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  • Her them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours : coopen , bird fanciers , millwrights , newspaper canvassers , law scriveners , masseurs , vintners , trussmakers , chimney sweeps , lard refiners , tabinet and poplin weavers , farriers , italian warehousemen , church decorators , bootjack manufacturers , undertaken , silk mercers , lapidaries , salesmasters , corkcutters , assessors of fire losses , dyers and cleaners , export bottlers , fellmongers , ticketwriters , heraldic seal engravers , horse repository hands , bullion broken , cricket and archery outfitters , riddlemakers , egg and potato factors , hosiers and glovers , plumbing contractors . after them march gentlemen of the bed chamber black rod , deputy garter gold stick , the master of hone , the lord great chamberlain , the earl marshal , the high constable carrying the sword of state , saint stephen s iron crown , the chalice and bible
  • Chinese artisans closely guard the secrets to their craft , passing the skills from generation to generation . now these secrets are yours to display for the entertainment of your incentive winners . thousands of years of chinese arts and crafts portraiture , caricature , calligraphy and seal carving will captivate your winners interest and imagination
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