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  • If on the international plane we can create an anti - japanese front in the pacific region , with china as one strategic unit , and the soviet union and other countries which may join it as other strategic units , we shall then have one more form of encirclement against the enemy than he has against us and bring about exterior - line operations in the pacific region by which to encircle and destroy fascist japan
  • Renje shaw dispatched sixth brother run run to station in singapore and malaysia to assist runme in establishing distribution and exhibition networks . the official shaw organisation website states that run run shaw arrived at singapore in 1926 . most other findings , however , establish that he left for singapore only after the liuhe encirclement
    注3 :邵氏机构网页称邵逸夫于1926年往南洋,但一般的研究资料都认为邵逸夫是在六合围剿以后才往南洋的,由于还没有找到更充份的理据去支持前者,因此在这里采纳后一个说法。
  • In our third counter - campaign , although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li , and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him , we nevertheless exercised patience , turned back , changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre , and finally fought the first battle successfully at lientang
  • In our second counter - campaign our army advanced to tungku where , for the sole purpose of waiting for wang chin - yu ' s men to leave their strongpoint at futien , we encamped close to the enemy for twenty - five days even at the risk of leakage of information ; we rejected all impatient suggestions for a quick attack and finally attained our aim
  • The smashing of the first enemy " encirclement and suppression " campaign in kiangsi province took only one week from the first battle to the last ; the second was smashed in barely a fortnight ; the third dragged on for three months before it was smashed ; the fourth took three weeks ; and the fifth taxed our endurance for a whole year
    江西打破第一次“围剿” ,从初战到结束只有一星期,打破第二次“围剿”只有半个月,打破第三次“围剿”就熬上了三个月,第四次是三星期,第五次就熬了整整的一年。
  • At the time of the fukien incident , two months after the commencement of our fifth counter - campaign , the main forces of the red army should undoubtedly have thrust into the kiangsu - chekiang - anhwei - kiangsi region , with chekiang as the centre , and swept over the length and breadth of the area between hangchow , soochow , nanking , wuhu , nanchang and foochow , turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive , menacing the enemy ' s vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses
  • To cope with a weaker enemy or to fight on a battlefield of no great importance , a relatively superior force is sufficient ; for instance , only some 10 , 000 red army men were employed to fight liu ho - ting ' s division of 7 , 000 men in chienning on may 31 , 1931 , in the last battle of our second counter - campaign
  • In each campaign the alternation in the forms of fighting consists of the first stage in which the enemy employs the offensive against our defensive and we meet his offensive with our defensive , and of the second stage in which the enemy employs the defensive against our offensive and we meet his defensive with our offensive
  • By way of analyzing the history of status quo of drug criminality , the thesis not only probes the cause of this issue but also classifies the legislative system concerning it . a series of comprehensive preventive measures , with regard to the perfection of the legal system about drug criminality , is also put forward
  • But along with foreign capital entering into home market , a lot of foreign famous brands which have high famous degree , high beautiful reputation degree and solid capital technology carry out " surround and suppress " for national famous brand : seize market share , eliminate national famous brand , some national brands such as ” fukang ” automobile , " white cat " washing powder disappeared in the market
    但随着外资的引入,许多外国名牌大举进入我国市场,这些外国名牌以其高知名度、高美誉度和雄厚的资金技术对我国名牌进行“围剿” :挤占市场份额,消灭我国名牌等。如在市场上销声匿迹的“富康”汽车、 “白猫”洗衣粉等。
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