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  • The number of wireless internet - service providers has decreased to about 3 , 000 last year from almost 8 , 000 in 2005
    中国的无线网络服务提供商数量已由2005年的近8 , 000家降至去年的3 , 000家左右。
  • Your emotional health , more than your intellectual knowledge , will produce the kind of character you want to produce
  • Artist quotient regulates artistic standard . the artistic quotient test brought to you by esd
    一般人的审美眼光从无定义,唯美学商数aq - artistic quotient以具体而标准的方法透视个人对美学的观感。
  • Since they were first invented in 1908 , iq ( intelligence quotient ) tests have been telling people how smart they are
  • The number of new exhibitors is also worth mentioning : 19 additional main exhibitors at this year ' s pcim compared with 2006
  • You can use the following queries to view purchasing and vendor data and to become familiar with the purchasing and vendor table relationships
  • At last , whatever the type of co - competition , the outcome is that the quantity of suppliers is close unlimitedly to the minimum critical point
  • Compared with all the past fairs , the current fair has had a larger impact concerning the total number of exhibitors , participating countries and regions
  • The paper discusses the operational characteristics of warehouse and gives a common order picking optimal algorithm for travel salesman problem
  • Integer division returns the quotient , that is , the integer that represents the number of times the divisor can divide into the dividend without consideration of any remainder
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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