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  • The stuff was like nitric acid , and moreover , in swallowing it one had the sensation of being hit on the back of the head with a rubber club
  • Midway through the canal , however , it must turn to face your back , and the back of its head is pressed against your pubic bones
  • He was wearing an unbuttoned tunic , wide breeches that fell in folds , and on the back of his head a crushed hussars cap
  • His head ached , the top of it ached , the back of it ached , the brains inside of it ached and seemed to be swelling , while the ache over his brows was intolerable
  • Something had gone bong with him ; at least , so young jerry inferred , from the circumstance of his holding mrs . cruncher by the ears , and knocking the back of her head against the headboard of the bed
  • He was tricked out in his best ; an immense blue coat , thick with brass buttons , hung as low as to his knees , and a fine laced hat was set on the back of his head
  • Bloom feeling his occiput dubiously with the unparalleled embarrassment of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her peeled pears . somebody would be dreadfully jealous if she knew . the greeneyed monster
    像一个焦虑不安的行商那样打量她那对削了皮的梨有多么匀称,感到无比困惑390 ,迟迟疑疑地摸着后脑勺
  • On this knoll was a crowd of officers , and pierre heard the french chatter of the staff , and saw kutuzovs grey head sunk in his shoulders , and his white cap , with red braiding on it
  • Halt a headache an ice pack applied to the back or top of the head can relieve some headaches as can massaging the temples and the back of the neck . sleep even a 10 minute catnap2 can help too although it may back
  • Don t ye be nervous , my dear good soul , expostulated , between his coughs , a young man with a wet face , and his straw hat so far back upon his head that the brim encircled it like the nimbus of a saint
    “不要紧张,我亲爱的好姑娘, ”一个满脸汗水的年轻男子一边咳嗽一边劝她说,他把草帽扣在后脑勺上,围绕脑袋的帽沿就像是圣灵头上的光环。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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