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  • A trigger that includes either select statements that return results to the user or statements that perform variable assignment requires special handling ; these returned results would have to be written into every application in which modifications to the trigger table are allowed
  • In sql server 2005 integration services ssis , expressions can be used to define conditions for case statements , create and update values in data columns , assign values to variables , update or populate properties at run time , define constraints in precedence constraints , and provide the expressions used by the for loop container
    在sql server 2005 integration services ( ssis )中,表达式可以用于定义case语句的条件,创建和更新数据列中的值,为变量赋值,在运行时更新或填充属性,定义优先约束中的约束,以及提供for循环容器所使用的表达式。
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