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  • But if master tommy was headstrong master jacky was selfwilled too and , true to the maxim that every little irishman s house is his castle , he fell upon his hated rival and to such purpose that the would be assailant came to grief and alas to relate
  • He and his team mates now have the chance to right that perceived wrong against their english rivals because they have been drawn against liverpool in group g and meet them back at anfield on september 28 and at stamford bridge on december 6
    现在特里与他的队友们有机会改正错误重新面对英超劲敌,因为切尔西、利物浦小组赛同分在g组,他们将分于9月28安菲尔德球场、 12月6日斯坦福桥球场展示两回合的争斗。
  • Whenever i marry , she continued after a pause which none interrupted , i am resolved my husband shall not be a rival , but a foil to me . i will suffer no competitor near the throne ; i shall exact an undivided homage : his devotions shall not be shared between me and the shape he sees in his mirror
    “不论何时结婚, ”她停顿了一下,没有人插话,于是又继续说, “我决定,我的丈夫不应当是个劲敌而是个陪衬,我不允许皇位的近旁有竞争存在我需要绝对忠心。
  • Sir alex ferguson believes manchester united ' s 2 - 0 victory over arsenal yesterday has given his side " an outstanding chance " of catching chelsea at the top of the premiership . sir alex ferguson believes manchester united ' s 2 - 0 victory over arsenal yesterday has given his side " an outstanding chance " of catching chelsea at the top of the premiership
    曼联主教练弗格森9日在率队2 : 0击败劲敌阿森纳队取得联赛第33轮的胜利后信心大增,认为本场比赛的胜利为曼联追赶“领头羊”切尔西队提供了“一个绝佳的机会” 。
  • Sir alex ferguson believes manchester united ' s 2 - 0 victory over arsenal yesterday has given his side " an outstanding chance " of catching chelsea at the top of the premiership . united ' s ninth successive win , with second - half goals from wayne rooney and park ji - sung , has left them seven points adrift with only five games to go
    曼联主教练弗格森9日在率队2 : 0击败劲敌阿森纳队取得联赛第33轮的胜利后信心大增,认为本场比赛的胜利为曼联追赶“领头羊”切尔西队提供了“一个绝佳的机会” 。
  • Sir alex ferguson believes manchester united s 2 - 0 victory over arsenal yesterday has given his side " an outstanding chance " of catching chelsea at the top of the premiership . united s ninth successive win , with second - half goals from wayne rooney and park ji - sung , has left them seven points adrift with only five games to go
    曼联主教练弗格森9日在率队2 : 0击败劲敌阿森纳队取得联赛第33轮的胜利后信心大增,认为本场比赛的胜利为曼联追赶“领头羊”切尔西队提供了“一个绝佳的机会” 。
  • They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america
  • They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america
  • With such rivals for the notice of the fair , as mr . wickham and the officers , mr . collins seemed likely to sink into insignificance ; to the young ladies he certainly was nothing ; but he had still at intervals a kind listener in mrs . philips , and was , by her watchfulness , most abundantly supplied with coffee and muffin
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