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  • What softens the heart of a man , shipwrecked in storms dire , tried , like another ulysses , pericles , prince of tyre ? head , redconecapped , buffeted , brineblinded
  • 3 robert roth , scientific research on the maharishi transcendental meditation and tm - sidhi programs : a brief summary of 500 studies , maharishi university of management press
  • 9 colonel mahadou diop , the maharishi unified field based system of rehabilitation in senegalese prisons , annual seminar , dakar , senegal , feb . 1998 . chris and janet attwood
    9马哈杜第尔普:塞内西亚监狱以马哈利西为基础更生课程,塞内西亚德卡尔市年度研讨会, 1988年2月。
  • Yet , even if milicic had established himself as a rotation regular under saunders , it ' s doubtful the pistons could have afforded to retain him beyond this summer
  • Muhammad perceived the divine sound in the cave at gare - hira , and the original sufis called the divine sound , saute surmad , which means " the tone that fills the cosmos .
    穆罕默德在葛利西拉洞窟内体验到神圣音流,而原始回教苏菲教派称神圣音流为saute surmad ,意思就是充满宇宙的声音。
  • The u . s . congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of general of the army ( now called " 5 - star general " ) . lieutenant general ulysses s . grant becomes the first to have this rank
    1866年的今天,美国国会通过了一项批准设陆军上将军衔的立法(现在被叫作“五星上将” ) 。陆军中将尤利西斯?修?格兰特成为首位被授予此军衔的人。
  • This paper looks into the english and chinese versions of ulysses and the different intentions between the original writer james joyce and the translators as well as different textual strategies they used
  • " on my word , " said franz , " you are wise as nestor and prudent as ulysses , and your fair circe must be very skilful or very powerful if she succeed in changing you into a beast of any kind .
    “凭良心说, ”弗兰兹说, “你真可谓聪明如涅斯托而慎重如尤利西斯了。你那位漂亮的塞茜要是想把你变成一只不论哪一种的走兽,她一定得非常机巧或非常神通广大才行。 ”
  • The little - used milicic appeared in 25 games for the pistons this season , averaging 1 . 5 points per game in 5 . 6 minutes . arroyo , a reserve guard , averaged 3 . 2 points and 3 . 1 assists in 50 games for detroit
    这个赛季很少上场的米利西奇在为活塞出场的25场比赛中场均1 . 5分,平均出场5 . 6分钟,阿罗约,一个受限制的后卫,在未获塞出场的50场比赛里场均3 . 2分和3 . 1次助攻。
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