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  • This means they eat less of certain foods , especially fat and sugar . other people exercise with special equipment , take diet pills , or even have surgery
  • New research shows girls who regularly have family meals are much less likely to adopt extreme weight control behaviors such as vomiting , using laxatives or diet pills
  • Choose health products carefully . the department of health has found fenfluramine in some slimming products and mercury in a whitening face cream . fenfluramine can lead to heart disease while mercury can harm the nervous system
  • The new obesity drugs may work for some ; bariatric surgery - in which the stomach is surgically reduced - an help those most severely obese ; extended counseling combined with a diet and exercise regime can be the answer for others
  • Of the respective total numbers of complaints received by government departments and the consumer council in each of the past three years about the provision or prescription of weight - loss drugs by beautyslimming centres and their doctors , together with breakdowns of the cases
  • Moreover , a few weight - loss drugs have further been classified as dangerous drugs under the dangerous drugs ordinance ( ddo ) ( cap 134 ) and are subject to more stringent control because of their abuse potential . examples are the inclusion of phentermine in 1994 , and amfepramone and cathine in 1999
    此外,有些减肥药由于容易被人滥用,因此亦被列为《危险药物条例》下的危险药物,须受到更为严格的管制,例如- -二甲基苯乙基胺在一九九四年被列为危险药物,而二乙胺苯丙酮和去甲麻黄硷则于一九九九年被列为危险药物。
  • Albeit not regarded as detailed guidelines on the prescription of weight - loss drugs by doctors , the report stated that drug treatment for obesity should only be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise for obese patients with special indications , and weight - loss drugs should not be recommended for children , pregnant and lactating women and patients who are concurrently taking certain kinds of antidepressants
  • Indiscriminate use of weight loss drugs is futile as a means to control weight in the long run . it can actually cause damages to the body . lots of drugs available on the market work by suppressing appetite , and this kind of drugs will affect the central nervous system directly , causing serious consequences such as psychic tension , insomnia , depression and body dysfunction
  • Currently in use is more slimming products appetite inhibitors , should be used to its side effects , which normally takes the doctor used under the guidance of the drug , side effects and dosage of the drug , the greater the dose the greater side effects , while each pair of drug sensitivity not the same and thus should start small dose and gradually to increase the effective dose ; during another drug not suddenly interrupted , it should gradually decrease until suspended medication before or during inspection as biochemical blood glucose and lipids , weight monitoring and , if necessary , timely adjust dosage
  • In the three years between 2001 and 2003 , the government and the consumer council received a total of three complaints relating to the provision or prescription of weight - loss drugs by beautyslimming centres and their doctors . of these three complaints which were all received in 2003 , two were on inappropriate prescription by slimming centres or their doctors and one was on the side - effects of the drugs prescribed
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