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  • Cut one slice from the bean curd to serve as a lid , remove the insides of the bean curd , fill the hollow with filling , place the lid over the filling
  • Cut the bamboo shoots into strips and steep in salt , wine , msg and sugar till flavored . arrange the 3 kinds of strips in a bowl then turn upside down onto a plate
  • Saute chopped garlic , drop in the mushrooms , bamboo shoots and stir - fry ; pour in the spicy saute , bring to the boil , add cornstarch solution , put in the clam meat and toss a few times
  • Slice thinly the whelk meat , scald , stir in shaoxing rice wine . slice the mushrooms and bamboo shoots . slice scallion stalks , mix with clear soup and condiments to make a spicy sauce
  • Flavor oil with scallion and ginger , add sugar , salt , soy sauce , drop in eel pieces , add wine , toss , place in a plate sprinkle on diced garlic . surround with shrimp - egg dumplings
    鸡蛋小头处雕成花瓣形,火腿冬笋切花瓣形片,插入鸡蛋黄中, 1个蛋放中间, 9个放砂锅周围,蒸15分钟。
  • Stir - fry pork slices in 7 - fold hot oil , add scallion , ginger , garlic slices , winter bamboo shoot slices , black fungus and pickled red chillies , stir - fry , pour in sauce , bring to the boil and transter to a bowl
  • Winter bamboo shoots , dried bamboo shoots , curing food salted fish , meat and vegetables , persimmon and crab that can easily exacerbate oral ulcer . 4 . form the regular living habit , sleep well and avoid overwork
  • Wash the rape leaves , dip them into boling water and remove , sprinkle with sesame oil and arrange on a plate . peel the tomatoes , chop off the tops , scoop out the seeds and place on the rape leaves with the open tops up
  • Clean the fish and make slanting cuts in the flesh , add scallion and ginger juice and wine and leave for 30 minutes . spinkle evenly with dry cornstarch , in the stanting cuts place mushroom , ham and egg slices , steam for 15 minutes
  • Add chill bean sauce , scallion , ginger , minced garlic and soup , salt , msg , pepper and cooking wine . when the fish heads are done , add bean sheet jelly , bring to the boil , thicken , sprinke with garlic shoots
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