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  • In the second case , while inspecting two parcels posted from canada and claimed to be containing clothes , customs officers at the air mail centre in the hong kong international airport on august 8 found about 72 grams of cannabis buds
  • Lingnan university lingnan or the university today entered into an agreement with the managing trustees of the charitable trust of tsing shan monastery " the managing trustees " to carry out a one - year research project on tsing shan monastery relics
  • The government today ( august 8 ) has approved an application for financial assistance by the family members of a private doctor who died of severe acute respiratory syndrome ( sars ) contracted in the course of his professional practice
  • August 8 marked the hundredth day since the end of major military operations in iraq . this is a good time to recognize the full meaning of the fact that 24 million iraqis are free from oppression for the first time in decades
  • The association of southeast asian nations , asean , was founded over three decades ago by the august 8 , 1967 signing of the “ bangkok declaration ” by the five founding southeast asian nations of indonesia , malaysia , the philippines , singapore and thailand
  • N august 8 , 1998 , some fellow initiates attended a local seminar on ufos convened by steve gamble , chairman of the northampton ufo research club in southern england . most participants at this forum had witnessed unidentified flying objects at some time in their lives
  • In response to press enquiries today ( august 11 ) on an air traffic control incident which happened on august 8 , a spokesman for the civil aviation department said that flight safety was not compromised in the incident and an investigation was being conducted to establish the cause
  • Effective august 8 , 2005 , appointments will be required for all services provided by the american citizens services unit at the u . s . consulate general hong kong ( including passport applications , adding additional passport pages , birth registration , notarials , and general inquiries )
    由二零零五年八月八日开始,所有美国公民服务部的服务都需要网上预约(包括申请护照、护照加页、为新生子女申请成为美籍、公证文件及一般查询) ,长俸部事宜及紧急事宜除外。
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