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  • Traditional english may day rites and celebrations include morris dancing , crowning a may queen , celebrating green man day and dancing around a maypole
    传统的英国五一节习俗和庆祝活动包括莫理斯舞、为五月女王加冕、欢庆“绿人日” 、五月花柱舞。
  • The brows that extend , happy mind , carefree big head , busy small head , healthy within , cheesy out , the at hand of broad eminent , the connections that does not block ! 51 joy
  • Short several days gather , let me understand your this japan friends , i extremely am also happy can pass the time together with you which gathers in china , hoped you also cross a joyful may day in japan , and the expectation returns to china once more
  • As europe became christianized , the pagan holidays lost their religious character and either changed into popular secular celebrations , as with may day , or were given new christian interpretations while retaining many traditional pagan features , as with christmas , easter , and all saint ' s day
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