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  • He also responded to comments in the report that china was too secretive about its military development , saying its military policy is " defensive in nature " - - but providing no further details
  • He also responded to comments in the report that china was too secretive about its military development , saying its military policy is " defensive in nature " - but providing no further details
  • China is worse hit by computer hackers than any western nation , a chinese military expert was quoted as saying sept . 22 in an apparent response to claims it was the source of attacks on u . s . systems
  • Rear admiral yang yi , director of the national defense university ' s strategic studies institute , said china ' s modernizing military " would not actively fire the first shot " , the official china news service reported on wednesday
    官方的中国新闻社星期三报道,国防大学战略研究所所长、海军少将杨毅说,中国军事的现代化“决不主动打第一枪” 。
  • China , because the chinese does not like to reveal his , wealthy person does not like to express existing money , and the weaponry respect that the most important is chinese military affairs , it is not clear that american is done namely
  • Early next year , the commission will hold hearings on china s military modernization , u . s . science and technology transfers to china and a security - minded review of chinese fundraising activities in the u . s . capital markets
  • That is not in and of itself frightening , as long as it is clear it is a modernization that doesn t reflect any kind of new strategic purpose or represent any sort of threat to the region . and so we ll monitor it carefully
  • Large majorities in many countries believe that china ' s growing military power is a bad thing , while the people of many developed countries are increasingly worried about the economic impact of china ' s rise , the 47 - nation survey found
  • He is also the honorary director of the epithelial cell biology research centre of the chinese university of hong kong established in collaboration with the chinese academy of military medical sciences , and has contributed tremendously to the development and research of the centre
  • China is engaged in a long - term , far - reaching military modernization effort that " encompasses the transformation of virtually all aspects " of its military establishment , according to richard p . lawless , deputy under secretary of defense for international security affairs in the asia - pacific region
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