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  • In that book there is a story about a guy who wanted initiation . there was a guy who had very , very bad intentions , who wanted to make trouble for the master , one of the masters in the book . i think he was lahiri mahasaya
    书中的这个故事是关于一个人他想要印心,但他心怀不轨,想找书中一位明师的麻烦,我记得那位明师应该是叫做拿希里玛哈赛lahiri mahasaya 。
  • Of the irascibility of the grand duke he related with gusto how he had had some words with the grand duke in galicia , when his highness had inspected the regiments and had flown into a rage over some irregularity in their movements
  • The conversation touched on the chief items of news in the town , on the illness of the wealthy old count bezuhov , a man who had been renowned for his personal beauty in the days of catherine , and on his illegitimate son , pierre , who had behaved so improperly at a
  • Skilling maintained his i ocence before , during and even after his trial , i isting no fraud occurred at enron other than that committed by a few executives skimming millio in secret side deals , and that bad pre and poor market confidence combined to sink the company
  • Computer network has been characterized by features like heterogeneous connection , uneven dispersiveness and openness , which also result in its vulnerability to be attached by hackers , malicious unauthorized intrusion . that ' s why network security has been attracting people ' s attention in various fields
  • The " airwaves " from a person who has broad vision , modest attitude , kindly and cheerful personality can easily harmonize with the ones from other people , therefore it can offer him more friends ; instead , the " airwaves " from a person who is narrow - mindedness , arrogance , bad and eccentric is easily excluded by the ones from other persons , and it will make him difficult to get along with others
  • On the other hand , if an enterprise has established an effective monitoring system , but there are ill - intentioned staff who intend to collude with outsiders to circumvent the parameters and the monitoring system , then the enterprise will inevitably face losses . staff morale will also be adversely affected , not to mention the effect on the ethical culture of the enterprise
  • Skilling maintained his innocence before , during and even after his trial , insisting no fraud occurred at enron other than that committed by a few executives skimming millions in secret side deals , and that bad press and poor market confidence combined to sink the company
  • So security and safeguarding of information on computer networks has become one of the most import problems , because of the diversity of network ' s connection , the asymmetry of terminal ' s distribution , the interconnection of computer and the attack of hacker , cracker and vicious software . it is more important for military ' s automation commanding network and banks whose network communicates sensitive data . thus we should apply sufficient safeguarding to these networks , otherwise the computer network will be useless , even jeopard the national security
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