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  • “ how happy we are , to meet friends from afar ! ” with this mindset , we welcome you warmly all the way
    “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? ”我们正是以这样的心情,随时恭候您的光临。
  • Ammonia cotton silk product is won nation new product title . it is very glad that friends come from distance
    氨棉丝光产品获国家级新产品称号。 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” 。
  • " all of us were very mischievous in our younger days , " mr mandela said after meeting the cast of tsotsi
  • The only thing in my mind now can be expressed within one sentence : we shall be glad to have friends coming all the way here
  • It is nice to have friends to come from afar . so , uphold gold cups and carouse tonight . you are sincerely welcomed
    有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎… …高举金杯,畅饮今宵吧,腾格里塔拉盛情恭候您的光临。
  • Sangmin , who grow up with boeun and now an university student , always makes fun of boeun and treats her like a little sister
  • My wife was rushed at the moment , so she suggested that peggy look up the word in the dictionary , after which they could talk about it
  • That was until one day , when a telescope revealed the truth . the bird was happily enjoying the bodies of firebugs smeared on the window
  • Just look for the 8 ) flashing lights and listen for the sounds of teenagers laughing … 9 ) chances are good they ' re having fun with purikura
    只要找找有闪光灯和青少年笑声的地方… …他们很可能正在拍大头贴拍的不亦乐乎喔/大玩特玩大头贴喔!
  • For holding the olympics , which we yearned for a long period , and we showing a relaxing smile to it . friends coming from far places , joy is our unique feeling
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