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  • Game skill level is unimportant , you only need to be familiar with the game , the wcg game rules and the wcg oath of fair play
  • Despite the ever - present media glare , beckham said he was just a normal guy and would relish the chance to live in southern california with his family for years to come
  • I am , in your opinion , a lara , a manfred , a lord ruthven ; then , just as i am arriving at the climax , you defeat your own end , and seek to make an ordinary man of me
  • The most typical point of embedded system is that it ’ s closely related to our daily lives , every single one may hold various electronic products which have embedded technology work inside
  • While it ' s essential to heed these , it ' s also important to empathize with and inspire your audience so they feel you ' re treating them less like a faceless user and more like a human being
  • It cost ten times as much , in labor and care and money , to bring you out where you are today , as it cost to educate the average man , a hundred times as much as it cost to raise a boy without any education
  • Whether you are a previous wcg player , referee , or just someone who really loves to play & watch games , this is a really great opportunity to meet new people and try your hands on something new
  • In the flesh and decide for themselves whether or not i was a normal human being . " clinton received million from simon and schuster to write " living history " and did n ' t take long to earn back her
    显然,有些人想把有我亲笔签名的书拿到拍卖网站ebay上出售另外还有一些人渴望看到一个有血有肉的我,以便他们自己来判断我是否是一个普通人。 ”
  • “ no one has a bad word to say about the guy , ” says a recent dell hire . “ in fact , they think he ' s just a regular guy who has built a great business that most people really love working in
    “没有一个人说过这个家伙的坏话, ”一个戴尔新雇员说道, “实际上,他们认为他仅是一个普通人,他创建了一个大多数人都真正喜欢在其中工作的成功的企业。 ”
  • Yes - just one of your tricks : not to send for a carriage , and come clattering over street and road like a common mortal , but to steal into the vicinage of your home along with twilight , just as if you were a dream or a shade
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