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with the hope of

"with the hope of"的翻译和解释


  • " i shall be most grateful , monsieur , if you will , at some future time , renew your offer , but i have been flattered with the hope of being introduced to the countess , and i will therefore wait .
    “阁下,假如您改天再提出这个邀请的话,我会十分感激的,但刚才蒙您允许我拜见伯爵夫人,所以您的盛意我领了,等下一次再接受吧。 ”
  • I was compelled , at this period , to leave corsica on an important expedition ; i reflected for a long time , and with the hope of averting some impending misfortune , i resolved that benedetto should accompany me
  • Perhaps it was with the hope of narrowing it that she yielded to his persuasions to go to night school and business college and to have herself gowned by a wonderful dressmaker who charged outrageous prices
  • Here the action research theory is put into actual teaching practice with the hope of creating some interactive teaching and learning styles , hence enhance the effectiveness of large - class instruction in colleges
  • An attempt here is made to analyze archeological documents on the thought of ancient china using these three perspectives from a macroscopic level , with the hope of yielding fruitful insights on thought and society in ancient china
  • Based on the exploration of the status quo of the math learning of students in secondary specialized schools , this paper proposes some teaching strategies with the hope of having some value for reference
  • This thesis focused on the theoretical study of the marketing crises and also concentrated on the practical analysis of it , with the hope of providing the theoretical background and practical guidance for enterprises in china
  • However , it needs time and tactics . from this point , the dissertation is trying to carry out some helpful study , with the hope of making some suggestions in terms of how to promote m & a in domestic insurance industry
  • Shakespeare wrote : “ the whole world is a stage . ” china life is that wide stage , it gives us a great sense of boundless gratitude , touches our lives a sense of love , faith and responsibility , and fills us with the hope of a brilliant future
  • The sixth part : the above - mentioned conclusions reflect the deficiency of the principle of prescribed punishment for specified crime in our country existed , with the hope of guiding the direction further
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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