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  • Reflected in the transparent water , he saw below him his own image , but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird , ugly and ungainly . he was himself , a swan
    他看到了自己的倒影。但那不再是一只粗笨的、深灰色的、又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子,而却是- -一只天鹅!
  • Although he has been described as gangly and ungainly , he has silenced his critics with two outstanding performances in recent pre - world cup ‘ friendlies ' against hungary and jamaica
  • He had pitched , as i have said , against the bulwarks , where he lay like some horrible , ungainly sort of puppet ; life - sized , indeed , but how different from life s colour or life s comeliness
  • Said the ungainly , awkward princess with such unutterable beauty of sorrow and self - forgetfulness that her father could not bear to meet her eyes and turned away sobbing . i have had news
  • He uses it to swipe across the ground with titanic power , while his boulder - like fists hammer and jab at the prince and his massive ungainly paws grab and toss our hero around like a lifeless ragdoll
  • In general , if it s not possible to merge the scenarios , or if the diagram that results from the merge is too ungainly , then the additional scenarios are probably stand - alone use cases , not scenarios of the current use case
  • Anna mihalovna nodded approvingly . again pierre fell into the navely symmetrical pose of an egyptian statue , obviously distressed that his ungainly person took up so much room , and doing his utmost to look as small as possible
  • Mademoiselle bourienne had long been looking forward to the russian prince , who would have the discrimination to discern her superiority to the ugly , badly dressed , ungainly russian princesseswho would fall in love with her and bear her away
  • Never in any one of the circles in which prince andrey had moved had he seen such calm and self - confidence as was manifest in this mans heavy and ungainly movements . never in any one had he seen a glance so resolute , and yet so soft , as now in those half - closed and moist - looking eyes ; never had he seen such firmness as in that smile that meant nothing . never had he heard a voice so delicate , smooth , and soft ; but what struck him most of all was the tender whiteness of the face , and still more the hands , which were rather broad , but extremely plump , soft , and white
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