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the richter scale

"the richter scale"的翻译和解释


  • It ' s absolute devastation . an earthquake measuring 7 . 6 on the richter scale sweeping through the pakistan northern mountains has left buildings in ruins
  • On october 23 , an earthquake measuring 6 . 8 on the richter scale and striking only 13 kilometers underground rocked the central niigata region , killing 40 people
    去年10月23日,一场发生在地面以下仅13公里处的里氏6 . 8级地震袭击了日本新滹市中心,造成40人丧生。
  • The quake was 5 . 4 on the richter scale and the epicenter was about 40 kilometers underground in tokyo ' s neighboring ibaraki prefecture
  • An earthquake measuring 6 . 2 on the richter scale has struck the island of java in indonesia . at least 13 people were reported to have been killed , with many others injured
    一场里氏6 . 2级的大地震袭击了印度尼西亚的爪哇岛.据报道,至少有13个人已经死亡,还有很多人受伤。
  • An earthquake measuring 5 . 4 on the richter scale shook the tokyo area before dawn , jolting many residents out of bed and causing minor injuries to at least 19 people
    一场里氏5 . 4级的地震在拂晓之前震动了东京地区,剧烈的晃动把许多居民从床上摔了下来,造成至少19人受轻伤。
  • On jan 26 , 2001 , a severe earthquake registering 7 . 9 on the richter scale hit gujarat , india , causing approximately 20 , 000 deaths and leaving tens of thousands of people homeless
    今年的一月二十六日,印度古佳瑞地区发生了芮氏规模7 . 9级的强震,造成约二万人死亡及数以万计的居民无家可归。
  • The formosan initiates later learned from the contact person that there had been another earthquake off the coast of indonesia measuring 5 . 0 on the richter scale , and fear of another tsunami had set off the residents " rush to safety
  • Roup originally in indonesian on november 26 , 2004 , a powerful earthquake measuring 6 . 4 on the richter scale struck nabire , papua province , indonesia , while a series of aftershocks continued for several days gripping the area s inhabitants with fear
    2004年11月26日,印尼最东部的巴布亚省papua纳比雷地区nabire发生了芮氏规模6 . 4级的大地震,接连数日又发生多起馀震,让当地居民非常恐慌。
  • A total of 2 , 217 people perished , 9 , 085 were injured and more than two hundred thousand went homeless . the number of casualties continued to increase as aftershocks measuring 5 . 0 or above on the richter scale struck the affected area on may 27 , 28 and 29
    7级的强烈地震,造成2217人死亡、 9085人受伤,二十多万人无家可归的严重灾情,并于后来的27 、 28 、 29日连续发生超过五级以上的多次馀震,使得伤亡人数持续增加中。
  • A total of 2 , 217 people perished , 9 , 085 were injured and more than two hundred thousand went homeless . the number of casualties continued to increase as aftershocks measuring 5 . 0 or above on the richter scale struck the affected area on may 27 , 28 and 29
    7级的强烈地震,造成2217人死亡、 9085人受伤,二十多万人无家可归的严重灾情,并于后来的27 、 28 、 29日连续发生超过五级以上的多次馀震,使得伤亡人数持续增加中。
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