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quarter century

"quarter century"的翻译和解释


  • After three postindependence decades of meager progress , the country ' s economy grew at 6 percent a year from 1980 to 2002 and at 7 . 5 percent a year from 2002 to 2006 ? making it one of the world ' s best - performing economies for a quarter century
    在经历了独立后三十年的经济低迷后,印度经济增长率由1980年至2002年间的6 %提高到2002年至2006年间的7 . 5 % ,使其成为近二十五年来世界上经济运行最良好的国家之一。
  • Much of humanity upon earth is failing to align with the divine plan for ascension , however , we see that most of such humans shall be cleansed from the physical within the coming quarter century , freeing earth up to fulfill upon her goal with greater ease
    地球上的诸多人未能与提升的神性计画结盟,不过我们看到,未来1 / 4个世纪,大部分这样的人将从肉体中清除,来将地球解放去以更大的便利完成她的目标。
  • Today , even a quarter century after the trial , mr yang still has a clear recollection of what the letters said . one appealed to his chinese origins and demanded that godber , who had squeezed a lot of money from chinese people , be given a heavy sentence
  • The initial scalable bandwidth capacity will see cyberport tenants comfortably through their first quarter century of rapid digital development . this will be complemented by a wide range of high - tech facilities such as multi - media laboratory , content centres , studios , and media conference theatres
  • More than any of the dozens of organizations china has joined since it emerged from isolation a quarter century ago , the wto embodies , and reinforces , china s commitment to fundamental reform . a look at the key elements of the wto package make it clear why this is so
  • The developments of high - speed circuits and mmic pose the problem of analyzing the circuits characterized both in time and frequency domains . a variety of mixed time - frequency methods have been developed during the last quarter century in the research of the vlsi interconnect and package analysis and nonlinear steady - state analysis . this paper examines these methods from a unified point of view . various mixed problems are formulated as circuit equations in the mixed time - frequency domain . fundamental approaches to slove the equations are given , from which all of the published mixed methods can be naturally deduced . this facilitates the comprehension of these methods and is helpful for their applications . some new ideas are proposed based on the cross reference among these different kinds of methods
    随着高速集成电路及mmic (微波单片集成电路)的发展,提出了对时-频混合表示电路进行分析的任务.本文用统一的观点考察了通常属于高速电路互连与封装分析、非线性电路稳态响应分析两个不同方面的混合分析问题,指出这类问题的实质是要求解一个时-频混合的电路方程,给出了求解这一方程的基本思路,阐明了现有的各种方法是如何从这一基本思路导出的.这可为认识这些方法的本质与联系,促进它们的应用与发展提供参考.此文还探讨了某些方法之间的相互借鉴,提出了若干新的想法
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