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potential buyer

"potential buyer"的翻译和解释


  • This was an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to promote their solutions and communicate directly with the potential buyers
  • There are more potential buyers than sellers and there are fewer savings to be made by merging banks across borders than there are domestically
  • We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of china ' s silk blouses , which comes within the frame of our business activities
  • An official from beijing hyundai ' s hangzhou sales agent said that they also reached initial purchase agreements with some other potential buyers
  • We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of chinese printed shirting , which comes within the frame of our business activities
  • She came in to tour this house with homeowner monica ronalds and set the stage before the ronalds open their doors to potential buyers
  • Since its launch in august 2000 , ipad has received strong response with negotiations currently ongoing with a number of potential buyers around the world
  • Generally speaking , we allow the market to set prices as potential buyers and sellers bid for goods and services upward or downward in a changing balance of supply and demand
  • Fluminense indicated that there are several interested parties and they will not be rushed into a decision by potential buyers setting deadlines on their transfer offers
    我是出到了1900万,不来克本只出了1100万就拿下了,而我出到1900万, 2900万都是这句话,这是什么原因? ?在敲诈我吗?
  • Germany ' s environment ministry is proposing an emissions certificate be displayed on new cars that would alert potential buyers to heavily polluting vehicles , a ministry spokesman said
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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