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  • Ah , mother dear , the dew is cold , but yet it is fine , and a musketeer ! he began singing , with a sort of hiccup at each syllable of the song
  • Gs : obviously , the new game ' s time period won ' t allow for cannons or musketeers , as previous games did . tell us about the sort of forces players will command in the game
  • The honourable mrs mervyn talboys in amazon costume , hard hat , jackboots cockspurred , vermilion waistcoat , fawn musketeer gauntlets with bra idea drums , long train held up and hunting crop with which she strikes her welt constantly
  • Prince andrey stopped to look carefully at the french . lookee , lookee , one soldier was saying to a comrade , pointing to a russian musketeer , who had gone up to the lines with an officer and was talking warmly and rapidly with a french grenadier . i say , doesnt he jabber away fine
    “你瞧吧,你瞧, ”一名士兵指着俄国火枪兵对战友说道,火枪兵随同军官走到散兵线前面,他和法国掷弹兵急速而热烈地谈论什么事, “你瞧,他叽哩咕噜地讲得多么流利!
  • A regiment of musketeers , which had left tarutino three thousand strong , but had now dwindled to nine hundred , was among the first to reach the halting - place , a village on the high road . the quartermasters , on meeting the regiment , reported that all the cottages were full of sick and dead frenchmen , cavalrymen , and staff - officers
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