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  • It s probably easier to paste the supplied startup . bat file over the one in your m5 bin directory
    将提供的startup . bat文件粘贴到m5 bin目录中可能更简单。
  • This article demonstrates how to use the corba interoperability capabilities of the geronimo m5 release
    本文示范了如何利用geronimo m5的corba互操作能力。
  • Analysis on genetic variation of agronomic and economic traits of cotton in m5 progeny irradiated by ray
  • This article uses the apache geronimo m5 release and assumes that you have no prior knowledge of geronimo
    本文使用apache geronimo m5版并且假设您没有任何关于geronimo的预备知识。
  • In geronimo m5 , the csiv2 feature is implemented as a set of gbeans that you can configure when you expose ejbs for corba access
    Geronimo m5中, csiv2特性是作为一组gbean实现的,可以在将ejb公开为corba访问时配置。
  • Use the current release of apache geronimo at the time of this writing , version 1 . 0 m5 to work with the code samples in this article
    请使用apache geronimo的当前发行版(在编写这篇文章时,是版本1 . 0 m5 )处理这篇文章中的代码示例。
  • That ' s why you can overload operators , write type conversion functions ( see item m5 ) , take control of assignment and copy construction , etc
    这就是为什么你能够重载操作符,编写类型转换函数(看m5条款) ,控制分配和复制构造,以及其他。
  • For initial use of the product , trial - mixing shall be made with reference to local raw materials , such as m5 dosage 0 . 12 - 0 . 13
    初用本品,应视当地原材料试配后采用,如m5掺量0 . 12 - 0 . 13分别试配,采用与施工现场搅拌速度相同的搅拌机(单轴搅拌机或人工)拌合的砂浆中取出。
  • The phase inversion can be carried out in each cell by moving jumper m3 ( cell 1 ) and m5 ( cell 2 ) to the other position . generally , only one of these cells is used
    通过移动跳闸器m3 (电池1 ) ,每一个电池都可以完成相位倒置,并且跳闸器m5 (电池2 )移动到另一个位置。通常地,这些电池中只有一节被使用。
  • The m5 . 7 jiujiang earthquake was the first seismic event with above the magnitude 5 , within the range of about 500km occurred since the start of water temperature observation in ningbo seismostation
    摘要2005年11月26日8时49分江西九江发生了5 . 7级地震,震前宁波地震台水温测值出现了比较明显的短、临异常。
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