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log cabin

"log cabin"的翻译和解释


  • They may bring up their children with stories of presidents who were born in log cabins or shotgun - shacks
  • They may bring up their children with stories of presidents who were born in log cabins or shotgun - shacks
  • Arranged around a 1 , 000 sq . m . harmonious tropical garden and meadow are 14 small log cabins with private jacuzzis
    1000平米的绿茵坪上, 14座豪华自动水力按摩池环绕在热带花园中。
  • " werewolf " , as hitler named the installation , was a crude compound of log cabins and wooden huts
    希特勒给它起了一个名字“狼人” , “狼人”是由许多简陋的圆木小屋和木板房构成的一个大本营。
  • Imagine living in a pioneer log cabin in wisconsin , on the prairie in indian territory , or in a sod dugout by a creek in minnesota ( a shelter built into the ground of a hillside )
  • But i suppose we really shouldn ' t expect anything better from someone who grew up in a log cabin , hoofed to a oneroom schoolhouse and never made it to college
  • But i suppose we really shouldn ' t expect anything better from someone who grew up in a log cabin , hoofed to a one room school house and never made it to college
    但是,我们不应该苛求? ?个在小木屋里长大,徒步到那所只有一间屋子的学校上学,后来也没有上成大学的人,他也不可能把话讲得再好了。
  • After the four - day christmas retreat in florida in december 2001 , master met with the japanese initiates staying on at the florida center and promised to let japanese initiates use her log cabin in qunma county , japan
  • Also , in the verdant international garden where a lush lawn and various beautiful plants , flowers and trees thrive , is the log cabin where master used to entertain guests , dividing the garden into two areas for mens and womens meditation
  • In 1925 , w . n . peacock wrote that it seemed " impossible that a city could grow from one log cabin to a great metropolis in less than a century . " it would indeed be difficult to list all the players who acted to build dallas county as we know it . the region was originally home to the caddo indians
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