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leaf fall

"leaf fall"的翻译和解释


  • The rainy day the day is cold , and dark , and dreary ; it rains , and the wind is never weary ; the vine still clings to the moldering wall , but at every gust the dead leaves fall , and the day is dark and dreary
  • And in new place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely , once as sweet , as fresh as cinnamon , now her leaves falling , all , bare , frighted of the narrow grave and unforgiven
    在“新地”大宅185 ,有个慵懒的浪荡女人。想当初她曾经像肉桂那么鲜艳娇嫩可人,而今全部枝叶都已凋落,一丝不挂,对窄小的墓穴心怀畏惧,并且未得到宽恕。
  • Both sides road trees , formerly the thick green leaf gradually changed yellow , wind has blown , the leaf fell gently with the wind , the leaf had the depth had shallow , some red had yellow , in airborne danced in the air like the all colors butterfly
  • The storage protein accumulated in large quantity in the vegetative organs of swietenia macrophylla at the period near leaf fall and in the leaf - fall period with terminal branchlets much richer in the storge protein than trunks and roots
    在树木年生长周期的后期, 18kda和zikda蛋白质分布于枝条、树干、大根和小根,大量积累在这些器官的次生韧皮部和末端小枝及小根的次生木质部中。
  • If one day , the love of the earth and heaven bears fruit , i wish i have became a butterfly like a falling leaf , flying into the ocean of the flowers and getting my lover back , when the gorgeous leaves fell the last one , the skeleton of the life takes on clearly
  • The earth surface of the region across it is mostly thicker humus soil or leaf falling covering layer , and has good heat reserving property , it is mostly weathering shingle , soil - aggregate mixture , and clay - gravel 0 . 5m - 4 . 0m under it , and weathering rock
    所经地区的地表多为较厚的腐殖土或落叶覆盖层,其保温性良好,下层0 . 5 ? 4 . 0米多为风化沙砾、碎石土和砾石土, , 4 . 0米以下为风化岩石。
  • Track 8 “ earthly fireworks ” was yet another song specifically composed with the singer in mind , complete with wistful and picturesque lyrics such as " wind keeps its silence , leaves fall down without a sound " , delivered again with that poetic melancholy only jeffrey could embody so well
    第8首“人间烟火”是另一首专门为陈汝佳而作的歌曲,配上感性而极富画面感的歌词,如“风沉默不说,树叶无声的坠落” ,再次透过那种陈汝佳所特有的诗意的忧郁展现出来。
  • The results of the 2 - yrs investigation in 1993 and 1994 show that significant phenological phases occurred in various months , and are listed as follows : budding and leafing phase was from march to april ; flower appearing phase in april ; peak leafing phase from april to may ; flowering phase from april to june ; fruiting phase from july to october ; and leaf falling phase for deciduous trees was from october to the following february
    以1993年和1994年两年间的调查结果显示,在福山地区明显的物候现象发生的月份如下: 3月和4月为抽芽展叶, 4月为花出现, 4月和5月为展叶盛期, 4 6月为开花期, 7 10月为着果期, 10月至次年2月为落叶树种之落叶期。
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