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  • Methods three handred and sixty - one patients with acut chlorphenamidine poisoning cases were gastric lavage completely and treated with proper amount of methylene blue and large dose of vitc
  • Gastric lavage and chemical toxin analysis in early stage are of vital importance , plasma exchange , tracheotomy and machanical ventilation are the most effective treatment methods
  • Effects of lung protective ventilation on the inflammatory transmitters in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of dogs with acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by pulmonary and extrapulmonary insults
  • Methods among 9 cases of obstructing left - sided colonic cancer , one patient was treated with tumor resection and colostomy , the rest 8 patients were treated with intraoperative decompression , lavage , resection and ananstomosis
    方法:对9例左半结肠癌合并肠梗阻的患者, 1例行乙状结肠造瘘, 8例行术中肠道灌洗,一期切除响合。
  • The treatment of degenerative tmj disease has the fallowing methods : ( 1 ) physical therapy , ( 2 ) medical theraphy , ( 3 ) joint lavage and medicine injection , ( 4 ) arthroscopic surgery or opened joing surgery
    摘要关于退化性颞颚关节疾病的治疗,主要治疗方式有下列四项: ( 1 )物理治疗; ( 2 )药物治疗; ( 3 )关节内冲洗及药物注射; ( 4 )关节镜手术或关节切开手术。
  • Methods clinical data of 100 children with chronic rhinosinusitis receiving nasal cavity replacement therapy , antral lavage through natural ostium and functional endoscopic sinus surgery were analyzed retrospectively
  • Yet another subset of macrophages in lung lavage appear smaller than the normal pulmonary macrophage and may be immature , perhaps due to the premature release of monocyte precursors from the bone marrow and homing to the lungs in response to cigarette smoke
  • To avoid invasive techniques , other tools have been developed to indirectly measure remodelling , including induced sputum , bronchoalveolar lavage fluid , blood and urine analyses , physiological and radiological assessments , as well as in vitro techniques
  • The effect of gastric lavage in early stage was especially obvious , 13 cases with convulsions got immediate relief after plasma exchange , the use of large dosage of tranquilizer resulted in better control on convulsion in 4 cases treated with ventilator than that in the others
    在毒鼠强中毒的病例中早期洗胃的效果较好, 13例出现惊厥的病例进行血浆置换治疗后惊厥症状立即缓解, 4例应用机械通气的病例镇静剂用量比其它病例大,惊厥症状控制得比其它病例更满意。
  • Pulmonary fibrosis was induced in the model group by intranasal instillation of bleomycin 5 mg kg . hxd were given via gastrogavage to the hxd prevention group and treatment group respectively at 48 h before and 14 days after they were modeled with the same method , and the groups of ligustrazin and prednisone , treatment and prevention , were managed the same as for hxd groups , but with ligustazin and prednisone instead of hxd respectively . bronchoalveolar lavage fluid balf and lung tissue of animals were gathered on day 28 cellular ultrastructural changes of lung was examined under electron microscope by he , masson stain ; content of hydroxyproline in lung tissue was assessed by acidolysis method ; and concentration of transforming growth factor 1 tgf 1 in balf was assessed by elisa
    方法68周雄性icr小鼠分8组,模型组bm组经鼻滴入博莱霉素blm 5 mg kg建立肺间质纤维化模型,化纤汤预防治疗组pht组于滴入blm前48 h予化纤汤灌胃,化纤汤治疗组ht组于滴入blm后第14天用化纤汤灌胃,同时设立丹参预防治疗组pdst组及丹参治疗组dst组,地塞米松预防治疗组pdt组及地塞米松治疗组dt组,并与正常小鼠nc组进行对照。
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