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july 20

"july 20"的翻译和解释


  • Most people accept that us astronauts first walked on the moon aboard the apollo 11 mission on july 20 , 1969
  • It was to have been the third bilateral meeting between the two prime ministers who last met in jerusalem on july 20
  • A 19 - year - old japanese man , who was reported missing on july 13 in stanley , was located this afternoon ( july 20 )
  • The government today july 20 issued a consultation document to invite views from interested parties on the review on estate duty
  • Police today ( july 21 ) appeal to members of the public for information on a woman who went missing yesterday ( july 20 )
  • With the approach of severe tropical storm koni , the first tropical cyclone warning signal of the year was issued on july 20
  • Police are investigating a traffic accident in tsz wan shan in which a 41 - year - old man was killed tonight ( july 20 )
  • Police arrested two south americans for pickpocketing in an anti - pickpocketing operation in tsim sha tsui this afternoon ( july 20 )
  • “ that ' s one small step for man , one giant leap for mankind , ” armstrong said as his foot touched the moon ' s surface on july 20 , 1969
    1969年7月20日,阿姆斯壮一脚踏上月球地表时说: “这是我的1小步,却是人类的1大步。 ”
  • On july 20 a public meeting organized by the tokyo metropolitan government was held at the hibiya kokaido ahead of tokyo s bid for the 2016 summer olympic games
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