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  • And we want none of your barclays , but a man like bennigsen , who showed what he was in 1807 , so that napoleon himself had to do him justice , and a man , too , is needed to whom all would readily intrust authority , and bennigsen is the only such man
    他在一八七年已经显过身手,拿破仑自己曾给他作过公充的评价,这更让人心悦诚服地承认是权威的人,只有贝尼格森一个人。 ”
  • At the camp at drissa it was proposed to take a stand . but the energy of paulucci , scheming to become a leading general , affected alexander ; and pfuhls whole plan was abandoned , and the scheme of campaign intrusted to barclay
  • Love the art , poor as it may be , which thou hast learned , and be content with it ; and pass through the rest of life like one who has intrusted to the gods with his whole soul all that he has , making thyself neither the tyrant nor the slave of any man
  • But as governor of moscow , as the representative of authority intrusted with full powers by the tsar . if i had been simply fyodor vassilyevitch , my course of action might have been quite different ; but i was bound to preserve both the life and the dignity of the governor
    “如果我仅仅是费多尔瓦西里耶维奇, ma ligne de condnite auraite t tout autrement trace ,但我应既保住生命,又保持总督之尊严。 ”
  • After the poor results of medical treatment , at the bottom of her heart she hoped that prayer would do more for her than medicine ; and though she concealed it from the doctors and had some inward misgivings , she fell in with natashas wishes , and intrusted her to madame byelov
  • Several wealthy and benevolent individuals in the county subscribed largely for the erection of a more convenient building in a better situation ; new regulations were made ; improvements in diet and clothing introduced ; the funds of the school were intrusted to the management of a committee
  • Let the reader add , to complete the picture , refined features ; a complexion , if pale , clear ; and a stately air and carriage , and he will have , at least , as clearly as words can give it , a correct idea of the exterior of miss temple - maria temple , as i afterwards saw the name written in a prayer - book intrusted to me to carry to church
  • And danglars , uniting practice with theory , wrote with his left hand , and in a writing reversed from his usual style , and totally unlike it , the following lines , which he handed to fernand , and which fernand read in an undertone : - " the honorable , the king s attorney , is informed by a friend of the throne and religion , that one edmond dant s , mate of the ship pharaon , arrived this morning from smyrna , after having touched at naples and porto - ferrajo , has been intrusted by murat with a letter for the usurper , and by the usurper with a letter for the bonapartist committee in paris
    腾格拉尔一面说着一面写了起来,他用左手写下了几行歪歪斜斜的根本看不出是他自己的笔迹的文字,然后他把那篇文字交给弗尔南多,弗尔南多低声读道: “检察官先生台鉴,敝人拥护王室及教会之人士,兹向您报告有爱德蒙唐太斯其人,系法老号之大副,今晨自士麦拿经那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠费拉约港。
  • I had other duties . the people had to be appeased . many other victims have perished and are perishing for the public good , he thought ; and he began to reflect on the social duties he had towards his family and towards the city intrusted to his care ; and on himselfnot as fyodor vassilyevitch rastoptchin he assumed that fyodor vassilyevitch rastoptchin was sacrificing himself for
    “ javais dautres devoirs , ”他想, “ il fallait apaiser le peuplebien dautres victimes ont pri et prissent pour le bien publique ”于是,他转而去想他所担负的责任:对他的家庭,对他的即委托给他的都城,以及对他自己所负的责任不是想费多尔瓦西里耶维奇拉斯普钦他认为费瓦拉斯托普钦正为bien publique作自我牺牲,而是想那个作为总督,权力的代表和沙皇的全权代表的他。
  • The last episode was one in poland , still fresh in the captains memory , and described by him with rapid gestures and a glowing face . the story was that he had saved the life of a polethe episode of saving life was continually cropping up in the captains anecdotesand that pole had intrusted to his care his bewitching wife , a parisian in heart , while he himself entered the french service
    终于讲到了上尉记忆犹新的最近在波兰的插曲,他飞快地打着手势并涨红着脸说,他救了一个波兰人的命上尉的故事里总少不了救命的情节,这个波兰人把自己迷人的妻子parisienne de coeur托付给他,本人就此参加法军。
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