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  • Not some angry half - breed , midnite . a full - fledged demon , here , on our plane
  • This man was so assured in himself he didn t know what a clown other people found him , a half - bred fellow
  • You are four national half - bred , this moves towards four national language expressing your meeting , is such what
  • He was afraid that thornton would pass out of his life as perrault and francois and the scotch half - breed had passed out
  • The doctor murmured inarticulately , gave a long gasp or two and was still . the half - breed muttered : " that score is settled - damn you .
  • And in the same instant the half - breed saw his chance and drove the knife to the hilt in the young man s breast
  • Arkham : no use ! regardless of how strong you are , you ' re nothing but a half - breed . you cannot defeat a pure demon , the real sparda
    雅克罕姆:没用的!无论你如何强大,也不过是个杂种。你不可能打败纯正的恶魔? ?真正的斯巴达!
  • Arkham : no use ! regardless of how strong you are , you ' re nothing but a half - breed . you cannot defeat a pure demon , the real sparda
    雅克罕姆:没有用的!无论你再怎么强大,不过是个半恶魔。你不能和纯血统恶魔? ?真正的斯巴达相比
  • I always think that it is natural for peoples of the world to promote each other ' s understanding , because i am a half - breed of chinese and western people , just a medium between the two cultures
  • " - and as the doctor fetched the board around and muff potter fell , injun joe jumped with the knife and - " crash ! quick as lightning the half - breed sprang for a window , tore his way through all opposers , and was gone
    说到后来,汤姆心中积压的情感一下子迸发出来,他说: “医生一挥那木牌,莫夫波特就应声倒在地上,印第安乔拿着刀,跳过来,狠狠就是一下” “哗啦! ”
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