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  • The conventional letter in the ancient greco - roman world began with a salutation , in which the writer identified himself and his recipients and gave a brief greeting
  • In the greco - buddhist art of gandhara , in the first centuries ce in northern india , maitreya was the most popular figure to be represented , together with the buddha
    在头一个世纪的北印度犍陀罗格列柯? ?佛教艺术中,弥勒被描绘成最普遍的人物,连同佛陀在一起。
  • I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of veronese , study the mysteries of e1 greco , catch a new vision of nature from corot
  • It was on this very soil that the greco - bactrian civilization had its best flowering and left the indelible marks of finest greek art in the potwar plateau around
    是在这土壤, greco - bactrian文明有它最佳开花和左最美好的希腊艺术不可磨灭的标记在potwar高原在拉瓦尔品第和克什米尔附近。
  • Mithos _ - _ enciclopedia _ de _ mitologia _ em _ portugu s enciclop dia de mitologia com mais de 3000 verbetes , de greco romana a tupi guarani , passando por azteca , maia , n rdica , japonesa , hindu e outras dezenas de povos
  • In the greco - buddhist art of gandhara , in the first centuries ad in northern india , maitreya is represented as a central asian or northern indian nobleman , holding a water phial in his left hand
    在北印度头一个世纪的犍陀罗格列柯? ?佛教艺术中,弥勒被描绘成一个中亚或者印度北部的贵族,左手持有一个装有水的药瓶。
  • At present greco is regarded as one of the most valuable methods of radar cross section ( rcs ) computation in the high - frequency region . depending on these conditions , several researches have been completed in this paper : firstly , calculating rcs of complex conducting targets has been accomplished by greco method . the high - frequency rcs of targets are obtained through physical optics ( po ) and incremental length diffraction coefficients ( ildc ) respectively
    本论文做了以下研究工作:首先,实现了运用greco方法计算了高频区理想导体复杂目标的雷达散射截面( rcs ) ,分别应用了物理光学法( po )和增量长度绕射系数法( ildc )计算了目标的面元和棱边的电磁散射,最后综合面元与棱边的散射效应得到目标的总rcs 。
  • In addition combining opengl technology , we can translate the source shape data of targets displayed on the computer screen to the data for rcs computing . " graphical electromagnetic computing ( greco ) " was presented in these conditions , which has many merits such as detecting shadowed regions automatically , computing in real time and accurately and so on
    图形电磁计算( graphicalelectromagneticcomputing , greco )方法就是在这样的环境下产生的,它具有诸如自动实现消隐,计算速度快,精度高等优点,目前被认为是求解高频区复杂目标的最有效的方法之一。
  • Not to consider here anything except the christian architecture of europe , that younger sister of the great masonries of the orient , it appears to the eyes as an immense formation divided into three well - defined zones , which are superposed , the one upon the other : the romanesque zone * , the gothic zone , the zone of the renaissance , which we would gladly call the greco - roman zone
    这里只要考察一下欧洲基督教建筑艺术?东方伟大营造艺术的妹妹,那便一目了然,它像一个广大的生成层,分成三个既分明又重叠的晶带:罗曼带,峨特带,文艺复兴带? ?我们宁可称之为希腊?罗马带。
  • In order to obtain the complex rcs of the target quickly in high frequency band , the graphical electromagnetic computing software , greco , is used . the modification of the computing kernel code is presented . the judgement of edges of complex targets is more sufficient and the computation of edge wave based on physical theory of diffraction ( ptd ) is more exact after the modification
    为了可以准确地预估雷达目标的rcs ,我们对于航天部207所的图形电磁计算软件( greco )进行了进一步的开发与包装,用borland公司的c + + builder开发了更加易于使用的基于windows操作系统的新版greco ,并且在考察了原有的greco计算内核之后,结合计算机图形学方面的理论,对greco的内核代码进行了改进,整体上使得边缘绕射场的计算结果更加准确。
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