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dark lord

"dark lord"的翻译和解释


  • When he failed to take over harry ' s body , the dark lord escaped with bellatrix ( op35 )
    黑魔王最终没能占据哈利的身体,他携着贝拉特里克斯逃离了现场(凤凰社第三十五章) 。
  • " if he has forbidden it , you ought not to speak , " said snape at once . " the dark lord ' s word is law .
    “既然他不许你说,你就不应该说。 ”斯内普立刻说道, “黑魔王的话就是法律。 ”
  • He picked up his drink again , sipped it , and continued , " you ask where i was when the dark lord fell
    他重新端起杯子,喝了一小口,继续说道: “你刚才问,黑魔王失势时,我在哪儿。
  • Obi - wan : your have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy
  • You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back , and carry false tales of my treachery to the dark lord
  • If anyone managed to get that horcrux and reunite the soul fragment within it with the body of tom riddle , would the dark lord rise yet again
  • Abel : hey hey , zip zip zip . you are not worthy to utter his name ! but yes , we do bask in the light of the dark lord
  • The tales of the jedi : dark lords of the sith and the sith war stories from dark horse were an epic , operatic tale set over 12 issues
    黑马漫画《绝地传说:西斯黑暗君主》 《绝地传说:西斯战争》以12本的篇幅讲述了一部歌剧风格的星际史诗。
  • " the dark lord is very angry , " repeated snape quietly . " he failed to hear the prophecy . you know as well as i do , narcissa , that he does not forgive easily .
    “黑魔王非常生气, ”斯内普轻轻重复, “他没能听到预言。你跟我一样清楚,纳西莎,他是不会轻易饶恕的。 ”
  • " leave nott , leave him i say , the dark lord will not care for nott ' s injuries as much as losing that prophecy - - jugson , come back here , we need to organize
    “别管诺特了,别管他,我说,对黑魔王来说,他的伤跟丢了预言球相比根本不算什么? ?加格森,回到这儿来,我们要组织起来!
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