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  • Haveing the benefit of vibratory roller and bulldozer , it easily bulldozes and compacts piles of garbage
  • Oliver : ( angrily ) if you ' re so convinced i ' m a loser , why did you bulldoze * me into buying you coffee
    奥利弗: (激怒地)既然你认定我那么没出息,那你为什么样还逗我请你喝咖啡?
  • Tension is simmering among inner - city workers whose homes are bulldozed to make way for high rises
  • Accept the possibility of rebuilding a relationship . past offenses can be bulldozed and buried and a better life built atop the debris
  • The archaeology - rich subsoil was bulldozed to fill sandbags , and large areas covered in compacted gravel for helipads and car parks
  • A local animal charity has been allowed access to the site to ensure the safety of the cats that have taken refuge in the various industrial buildings that are being bulldozed
  • He took me out to the farm , but the farm wasn t the same anymore . many of the buildings had been bulldozed down and the pathways had been plowed and seed had been planted
  • Like an estimated 300 , 000 other residents , mungo fled across the border from goma to the town of gisenyi in neighbouring rwanda when rivers of lava bulldozed through much of the city last thursday
  • Py160c grader is mainly used for land levelling , ditching , slop scraping , bulldozing , ripping , snowremoving in large areas of highway , airport , farmland etc , it is mecessary equipment for farmland improving
  • The move occurred on the one - year anniversary of a controversial supreme court decision that gave local governments broad power to bulldoze people ' s homes for commercial development
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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