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bear up

"bear up"的翻译和解释


  • For this finds favor , if for the sake of conscience toward god a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly
    彼前2 : 19倘若人为叫良心对得住神、就忍受冤屈的苦楚、这是可喜爱的。
  • For , hester , his spirit lacked the strength that could have borne up , as thine has , beneath a burden like thy scarlet letter
  • On the same occasion , winners of the 2006 children stamps design competition - dress bear up received the awards
    另外, 2006年儿童邮票设计比赛“小熊穿新衣”的得奖者亦于同一活动中获颁奖项。
  • Researchers in those countries then measured how well the stereotypes bore up to the average self - image within the same culture
  • Not without swamping the boat , said he . you must bear up , sir , if you please - bear up until you see you re gaining
    “再用劲儿就要把船弄翻了, ”他说, “你必须顶住,先生,请勿见怪,你要坚持到你认为已大功告成的时候。 ”
  • Sir geoffrey barely mentioned it : he spoke very little . but his silent , brooding insistence that it should be so was hard for clifford to bear up against . but emma said no
    父亲这欲望并不正式表示, i他是很少说话的人,但是他的无言的静默地坚持,是使克利福难以反抗的。
  • Welcome to the " children stamps - andersen s fairy tales " issuing ceremony cum " 2006 children stamps design competition - dress bear up " award presentation
  • Who himself bore up our sins in his body on the tree , in order that we , having died to sins , might live to righteousness ; by whose bruise you were healed
    24 ?在木头上,在?的身体里,亲自担当了我们的罪,使我们既然向罪死了,就得以向义活着;因?受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。
  • That ' s why , despite all the hand - wringing over how consumers would bear up under all of this year ' s burdens , spending for the year is on track to rise about 3 . 5 %
    这就是为什么本年支出,尽管面临种种有关消费者如何承受起这一年来的压力的绝望情况,依然呈现出大约3 . 5 %的增长态势。
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