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  • He saw distinctly one bandy - legged old french officer , wearing hessian boots , who was getting up the hill with difficulty , taking hold of the bushes
  • Several times he tried to enter into the conversation , but every time the word was snatched out of his mouth , like a cork out of water , and he could not bandy jokes with them
  • He ' ll assuredly be bandied about again this summer and if he can be had on the cheap , don ' t be surprised to see him in lakers gold or knicks blue next season
  • Early in the morning of the 6th of october , pierre came out of the shed , and when he went back , he stood in the doorway , playing with the long bandy - legged , purplish - grey dog , that jumped about him
  • Thus was carrie s name bandied about in the most frivolous and gay of places , and that also when the little toiler was bemoaning her narrow lot , which was almost inseparable from the early stages of this , her unfolding fate
  • Phenomenon and noumenon were bandied back and forth . they charged him with attempting to explain consciousness by itself . he charged them with word - jugglery , with reasoning from words to theory instead of from facts to theory
  • The purplish , bandy - legged , grey dog was running merrily along at the side of the road ; sometimes picking up a hind leg , and skipping along on three paws as a sign of content and briskness , or barking at the crows that perched on the carrion
  • Beaten back from one house to another , and reverberated from the hills in the background ; as if a company of devils , detecting so much misery and terror in it , had made a plaything of the sound , and were bandying
  • Its fluffy tail stood up firm and round like a plume ; its bandy legs served it so well that often , as though disdaining to use all four , it would hold one hind - leg gracefully up , and run very quickly and smartly on three paws . everything was a source of satisfaction to it
  • During the hour in which pierre watched them they all were swept out of the different streets with the same one desire to get on as quickly as possible . all of them , alike hindered by the rest , began to get angry and to fight . the same oaths were bandied to and fro , and white teeth flashed , and every frowning face wore the same look of reckless determination and cold cruelty , which had struck pierre in the morning in the corporals face , while the drums were beating
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