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advanced research project agency

"advanced research project agency"的翻译和解释


  • Although the defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa ) may have sponsored the race to encourage the development of self - driving battlefield vehicles , neither the red team nor many of the other 15 that made it to the starting line in mid - march cared much about that aim
    虽然美国国防高等研究计画署( darpa )之所以赞助这场赛车,可能是为了鼓励开发自动驾驶的战地车辆,但是红队和3月中旬顺利开上起跑线的其他15个团队,大多不怎麽在乎这个目标。
  • Ten years before , bsd unix developers had been recruited from the ranks of u . c . berkeley staff and ph . d . students ; the money had largely come from the defense advanced research projects agency darpa , but the funding was coming to an end
    在十年前, bsd unix开发人员再次从加州大学伯克莱分校的各层工作人员中和哲学博士学生中进行招募,资金大部分来源于国防高级研究计划署( defense advanced research projects agency 、 darpa ) ,但是募集资金的形式从此结束。
  • Because of contraposing to serials of problems in the development of network ( viz . , the difficulty of importing new technologies and standards into current network , the decline of network performance because of redundancy operations by few net protocol layers , the difficulty of joinning new services in existing structure modules ) , the concept of an ( active networks ) is presented by darpa ( defense advanced research projects agency ) in 1995
    主动网络( activenetworks )的概念是darpa ( defenseadvancedresearchprojectsagency )研究协会于1995年,针对当时网络发展过程中遇到的几个问题(即,把新的技术和标准引入现有网络中的困难:由于几个网络协议层的冗余操作而使网络性能下降;在已存在的结构模块中加入新服务的困难)提出的。
  • Much of the sri team ' s new external funding support and research direction came at the time from the defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa ) and the office of naval research , whose directors were primarily interested in using the technology for military purposes , including small reconnaissance robots and lightweight power generators
    在那段时间里, sri团队新的外界资助与研究方向来自于美国国防高等研究计画署( darpa )以及美国海军研究实验室,他们的决策者主要是对这种技术的军事用途感兴趣,包括小型侦察机器人以及轻型发电机。
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