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  • Chinese new year to the most important celebrarion in the chinese calendar . the chinese year 4706 begins on feb . 7 , 2008
    春节是中国人一年中最重要的节日,公元2008年2月7日是中国阴历(黄帝纪年) 4706年的开始。
  • The ancient history of china is veiled in mists of mythology , out of which emerges the epic yellow emperor and emperor yan
  • That is , there appeared the ruclimem of management thought , whose representatives are pan cu , nuwa , fu - his , shen nong , huangdi , yandi , tangyao , yu shun etc
  • As the ancestors of shu , cancong at first lived in the northeast of sichuan , and the cancong era was almost in the same period with the reign of yellow emperor
  • Therefore , there is no doubt that the lost parts of " lao zi " appeared in books copied on silk of wa wangdui are no belong the " four works of huangdi "
  • The anti - manchu revolutionaries emphasized the primordial attachment of blood and considered modern china an exclusive community of huang - ti ' s descent
  • Results : the frequency of jiao tone was much higher than those of the other tones in both groups ( p < 0 . 01 ) and the frequency of jiao tone increased as aging
    方法:按《黄帝内经》理论,将健康女性以“五七”年龄为界分为年轻组( 34岁)和年长组( 34岁) 。
  • Yet in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells from yin dynasty ruins , " yi " existed , meaning the images in the tortoise shells and divination , which must have been the contents of yi
  • Emperor of huang was born with a dual character of man and god , but the chinese showed more concern with his character as man , and finally worshipped him as father of the nation
    黄帝从一开始就具有神人二重性,但中国人更重视的则是其“人性” ,后来被作为中华民族的人文始祖。
  • Yellow emperor ' s classic of internal medicine , the theoretical work on tcm that emerged in the warring states period ( 475 - 221 bc ) , marks the establishment of chinese medicine ' s unique theoretical system
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