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  • The destroyer ' s armament consist of several small cannon , two torpedo tube and a number of anti - craft gun
  • The destroyer ' s armament consists of several small cannon , two torpedo tubes and a number of anti - craft guns
  • Yes . we ' re short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the dutch army and automatic rifles for the belgian army
  • The i - 401 numbers are clearly visible on the sides , and the anti - aircraft guns are in almost perfect condition , he said
    潜艇侧面的“ i - 401 ”字样清晰可辨,潜艇上一些高射炮的状态也十分完好。
  • Make sure you walk along the historical trail where a tank , cannons , an anti - aircraft gun and a torpedo are on display
  • 88mm flak gun ? mostly used as antitank or antiaircraft weapon . the battles between german 88mm pak guns and soviet heavy tanks were quite amazing and bloody
    88毫米高射炮? ?大多用于反坦克、防空战斗。德式88毫米防坦克炮与苏联重型坦克之间的殊死较量至今仍为人们津津乐道。
  • Follow the signs for a journey filled with wartime memories and heroics , marked by ruins that record key chapters of the battle including ammunition magazines , an anti - aircraft gun platform , underground bunkers and pillboxes
  • No sooner had the japanese fliers dropped their deadly loads than they turned and came back to strafe the battleship ' s decks , killing our sailors as they scrambled to man anti - aircraft posts and to fight the fires which were breaking out almost everywhere
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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