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  • The power to summon sun god horus shall only be revealed to the bearer of the amulet within the temple of semerkhet in karnak
  • You pray to a local and obscure idol : our temples , majestic and mysterious , are the abodes of isis and osiris , of horus and ammon ra
  • When the clock indicated twenty minutes past eight , andrew stuart got up , saying , gentlemen , in twenty minutes the time agreed upon between mr fogg and ourselves will have expired
  • Why , said andrew stuart nervously , if i should see him , i should not believe it was he . the fact is , resumed thomas flanagan , mr fogg s project was absurdly foolish
    “可是,我啊, ”一向是神经过敏的安得露斯图阿特说, “我不信,不过我倒要看个究竟。 ”
  • 3 robert roth , scientific research on the maharishi transcendental meditation and tm - sidhi programs : a brief summary of 500 studies , maharishi university of management press
  • All included , calmly retorted fogg ; adding , as he threw down the cards , two trumps . stuart , whose turn it was to deal , gathered them up , and went on : you are right , theoretically , mr fogg , but practically -
    现在轮到安得露斯图阿特洗牌,他一面收牌,一面说: “福克先生,您在理论上是对的,可是实际做起来”
  • I wouldn t have to hold an umbrella over my head on rainy sundays or get cold in the winter anymore . then someone asked the board , " what are you going to do with rosie gray ? " rosie gray is still alive
  • At twenty - three minutes past seven , replied gauthier ralph ; and the next does not arrive till ten minutes after twelve . well , gentlemen , resumed andrew stuart , if phileas fogg had come in the 7 . 23 train , he would have got here by this time
    “好了,先生们, ”安得露斯图阿特说, “如果斐利亚福克是搭七点二十三分那班车到的,那他早该来到俱乐部了。
  • What unforseen events might not open his prison door , and restore him to liberty ? then he raised to his lips the repast that , like a voluntary tantalus , he refused himself ; but he thought of his oath , and he would not break it
  • As the winged sun - disc of horus it hovered over the pharaoh of egypt ; it hovered over the hittite king , and in assyrian art it is depicted over the assyrian king , often with weapons in its hands , helping the assyrian monarch wage war
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