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  • The second section briefs the preferential treatment to the develop - ing country member among the dispute settlement system
  • But he did make clear his convictions on the educational values implicit in an understanding of lannguage in its broadest terms
  • With the swot analysis , this section analyses the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats for dalian " s tourist development
  • If he were not apt to beat over matters , and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another , let him study the lawyers ' cases
  • The developing courses of the highest method be no method in ancient literary theory , embody the characteristics of handing down , explaining and continuous dispelling
  • Sitting with his head dropped , he looked at the folds of her body in the fire - glow , and at the fleece of soft brown hair that hung down to a point between her open thighs
  • This dynamic market phenomenon was portrayed in the traditional supply and demand diagram in the form of a cobweb , which was also the name of that market dynamics theory
  • While the author analyses the fiscal expenditure structure ' s evolution in china , also stresses on the fiscal total expenditure is n ' t enough in china . what is complic
  • This case clearly demonstrates that international collaboration and cooperation can result in the effective prosecution of complex cross - jurisdictional offences
  • Please write a 5 - 7 page paper on one of the following . draw on written materials from the class as well as your own observations of the films you will be discussing
    请就下列主题择一撰写一份5 - 7页的报告,就所要讨论的电影,引用课堂上的书面资料及个人观点,发挥论。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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