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  • One species in ceylon and one from philippines to new guinea . not much imported , and about one dozen mixed in one vessl from new guinea , tawau in sabah and hill areas in sarawak
  • Wartsila , china shipbuilding industry corporation ( csic ) and mitsubishi heavy industries ( mhi ) are establishing a joint venture to manufacture large , low - speed marine engines in china
    芬兰瓦锡兰集团、中国船舶重工集团公司( csic )以及日本三菱重工( mhi )准备共同组建合资企业,在中国制造大型低速船用柴油发动机。
  • As to the sentiment which this journey might have awakened in him , there was clearly no trace of such a thing ; while poor passepartout existed in perpetual reveri oon had a large quota of p ! ! ! ee ? p ? ? ? es
  • Akbar is a blend of the finest " small leaf " ceylon tea grown between 4000 and 6500 feet in the mountain range of ceylon where the air is crispp and pure . as a result it has its pleasing aroma , bright colour and rich smooyh flavor
  • The mongolia , thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer , seemed likely , so rapid was her speed , to reach her destination considerably within that time . the greater part of the passengers from brindisi were bound for india - some for bombay , others for calcutta by way of bombay , the nearest route thither , now that a railway crosses the indian peninsula
  • I know a person who can make rice bran into nutritious food and milk , even . and we talked last time about that . he said he spends about three hundred thousand dollars and he can feed six hundred thousand people in ceylon - the poor , the undernourished , the mothers , and all that
  • I know some person , he can make rice bran into nutritious food and milk even . and we have talked last time about that . he said he spent about three hundred thousand dollars and he can feed six hundred thousand people in ceylon - the poor , the under - nourished , the mothers , and all that
    我们应该成立组织,我认识一个人,他能将谷壳制成营养食品和奶品;上一次讲经我们也谈过这些东西;他说用三十万块在锡兰就可养活六十万人? ?一些穷人、营养不良的人、母亲等等,这样太好了。
  • A great number of internationally renowned industrial groups and logistics enterprises , including among others , shanghai electric ( group ) company , shanghai automotive industry corporation , china state shipbuilding corporation , china international marine containers , caterpillar , kalmar , wartsila , prologis , maersk logistics , sterigenics international , cosco group , china shipping group , ych logistics , have already established themselves at lia
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