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  • We were already merry after only two glasses of wine
  • Mary left the party as drunk as a skunk , i hope she got homw ok
  • Both of them were even a little intoxicated , but they behaved very creditably
  • Carton , who smelt of port wine , and did not appear to be quite sober , laughed then , and turned to darnay
  • And as i hold it so close i keep hearing you saying " i love you , and wherever i am i m thinking of you
  • Though snow pere might be a thought tipsy ? a sheet or so in the wind , as folks say , he was not more tipsy than was customary with him
  • The champagne , however , which had been drunk ever since the soup course , was beginning little by little to warm the guests into a state of nervous exaltation
  • Paris hilton ' s publicist says hilton has been known to have a drink or two , but she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail thursday
  • A gang of about 50 apparently drunken santas invaded a new zealand cinema complex at the weekend - frightening customers , damaging property and swearing , the cinema ' s manager said
  • " oh , a whole gang , " he said , forgetting all about his projects under the influence of returning intoxication . " just think ! lea is telling us about her trip in egypt
    和一大帮人在那里, ”他说道,一阵醉意上来,他把他的计划忘得一干二净, “你想象得到吧,莱娅正在讲她在埃及的旅行见闻呢,真有趣,她还讲了一个洗澡的故事”
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