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  • Martina was adamant the player would remain with juve at least until the summer when he will know whether the club has managed to win promotion
  • An it company is facing serious challenges in its first overseas expansion initiative . at the first glance , the problem lies in its project management
  • With the downturn of technology stock , nowadays - oversea second security markets are widely facing difficulty that they never did
  • At present , the study on the commonness of diseases i . e . “ gene therapy ” and “ stem cell transplant ” , are still in the process of exploration
    不过,目前世界对“疾病共性”的研究是“基因疗法”和“干细胞移植” ,还在探索当中,能达到实用,还遥遥无期
  • Yesterday republican senator john warner called on the president to pull out some forces to signal to iraqis that the us commitment isn ' t open - ended
  • Their working life is going to stretch on interminably until they are 65 or maybe even older , so there is time enough to find out what it is like inside an office
  • The a - darter will still notionally equip saaf gripens , but a long - awaited series of initial flight tests have yet to occur and the future of the programme is in doubt
    A -标枪手理论上将装备南非空军的鹰狮战斗机,但是被期待已久的首飞测试仍然是遥遥无期,整个项目的未来仍充满变数。
  • Another season in the reserves promised nothing more than stagnation and the suffocation of an obvious talent , while the step up to sir alex ferguson ' s first team may have been too soon
  • Springer and other businesses have gone to court , claiming that the renaming will be too costly ( so delaying the erection of any new street signs )
    施普林格集团与其他行业已经一纸诉状将《每日新闻》告上法庭,控告后者发起的修改路名之举过于劳民伤财(因而也就使得树立任何新路牌的计划遥遥无期) 。
  • For the merger of west germany into an integrated western european body would never win the understanding of the soviet union , which controlled east germany , thus rendering german reunification an distant dream
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