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  • The best that companies such as p & o can hope for is that such travellers prefer to trade off the tunnel shuttle ' s shorter journey time for the undeniably greater comfort of its lounges
  • The popular outrage generated by upton sinclair ' s devastating , fact - based novel about the meatpacking industry in chicago , the jungle , had helped to create the food and drug administration in 1906
  • On this occasion , up to the moment of putting his lips to the old woman s ear , mr . dimmesdale , as the great enemy of souls would have it , could recall no text of scripture , nor aught else , except a brief ,
  • What remains indisputable is the historical fact that the blues was developed entirely by the black american , who over the years incorporated african elements of melody , rhythm , and phrasing with the european inventions of diatonic harmony and form
  • His posture - flat upon his back , with his hands crossed upon his stomach and tied with something that he easily broke without profitably altering the situation - the strict confinement of his entire person , the black darkness and profound silence , made a body of evidence impossible to controvert and he accepted it without cavil
    他的姿势(身体平躺,双手交错放在肚子上,手腕被什么东西绑着,而他是不需调整最佳姿势就可以轻松挣断这个东西的) 、他被牢牢禁锢着的身体、漆黑的夜色和悚然的寂静,这一切都是无可辩驳的证据,他只能无可奈何地接受。
  • This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis ( although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger ) , but because wuthering heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that , ultimately , resist inclusion in an all - encompassing interpretation
    这倒不是因为这样的一种解释必定会僵化成为一个命题(尽管对这部或任何一部小说的解释中,僵化死板总是一种危险) ,而是因为《呼啸山庄》拥有一些极难驾御的因素,以其无可辩驳的力度,最终拒绝被囿于一个囊括无遗的解释中。
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