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  • 1 it looks like retirement for tennis pro martina hingis as drug allegations swirl around the five - time grand slam champion and wimbledon winner
  • Kournikova ' s game was erratic . she overcame hingis ' 40 - 15 lead in the first set . then she double - faulted twice to lose the next one
  • " ennis , what are you lookin for rootin through them postcards ? " said linda higgins , throwing a sopping brown coffee filter into the garbage can
    “埃尼斯,你这是找什么呢? ”玲达?辛吉斯问他,顺手把用过的咖啡滤纸扔进了垃圾筒。
  • It looks like retirement for tennis pro martina hingis as drug allegations swirl around the five - time grand slam champion and wimbledon winner
  • It looks like retirement for tennis pro martina hingis as drug allegations swirl around the five - time grand slam champion and wimbledon winner
  • Perhaps above all : what of the fact that hingis tested positive for a recreational drug , not a performance - enhancing drug
  • Actually she ' s the best in the world . two years after becoming the youngest no . 1 player in history , hingis won her second family circle title
  • David : i just watched a martina hingis ' s game , she is so great . i wonder if she could play doubles with any male player in the world , who would you choose
  • It was n ' t just as simple as showing up for the swiss miss , however . " i would n ' t necessarily . say that it was easy , i just played really well , " she said
    谈及此次复出,辛吉斯不无感慨: “我不能说这次复出非常容易,但我在比赛中打得确实不错。
  • And when the crowd tried to pull kournidova through , hingis would remind them with a surprise drop shot or sharp forehand winner who ' s no . 1
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