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  • Americans too have remained much as alexis de tocqueville found them in the 19th century : “ so many lucky men , restless in the midst of abundance
    美国人也还停留在类似阿雷克西?托克维尔在19世纪发现他们的那样: ”这么多幸运的人,在丰盛的物质中躁动不安” 。
  • To whatever and wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders this mind should be restricted then and there and brought under the control of the self alone
    无论躁动不安,犹疑不定的心神游荡到什么地方,思虑什么事情,都要当下把它限定在那儿,并使其仅仅受控于“自我” 。
  • Here i am getting my nails done . i ' m so excited about the wedding i can hardly keep still and my beauty therapist has to tell me to stop wriggling
  • Mr obama is a neophyte by comparison ( he was an angst - ridden schoolboy in hawaii when mrs clinton was getting her first taste of washington during the watergate affair )
    奥巴马先生相较之下则是一位新人(当克林顿夫人在水门事件期间第一次领略到华盛顿时,他还只是夏威夷一位青春躁动期的学生罢了) 。
  • Rather than fueling restlessness among the me generation , however , the ease of travel seems to provide more evidence that the benefits of globalization can be had without radical change
  • The weather was very hot , but in addition to the passion , wonderful speech from zou xin and applause from the students , there was not a restless , blaming voice because of hot weather
  • With little adele in my arms , i watched the slumber of childhood - so tranquil , so passionless , so innocent - and waited for the coming day : all my life was awake and astir in my frame : and as soon as the sun rose i rose too
  • Because of collective social values and cultivating pressures , fixed regulations and inflexible uniforms in school campuses , conflict between individuals ' selves and externality during education and games , externality of bodies have not maturely yet developed in groups ; there is unclear knowledge about self - awareness and spirituality ? all the internal anxiety and emotional instability at that time still remain alive in individuals ' memories
  • In the evening , i went to see a quan yin messenger and requested to learn the convenient method of meditation . that night , i lay restless and upset in bed ; sleep kept eluding me . then , when i closed my eyes , i saw many radiant spots which grew brighter and brighter and finally merged into one another
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