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  • Of course , after a while , if you reach a higher level of consciousness , even while youre working or doing anything like looking at a flower with concentration , you can still enter samadhi ; you can still see the inner world of reality
  • Started with 100 trees that were planted by the eighth tokugawa shogun tokugawa yoshimune in 1717 , the " bokutei - no sakura " has grown into the splendid lines of nearly 1 , 000 cherry trees along the sumida river . the area becomes busy with a number of street stands and visitors during the hanami season
    享保2年( 1717 )德川吉宗命令栽种的“墨堤的樱花”开始有樱花100棵,现在已近1000余棵,每年一到赏花季节,就有很多摆摊的和逛街的,热闹不已。
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