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  • Es , which had already assumed that palace - like appearance which the count s princely fortune enabled him to give even to his most temporary residences . he came to renew the thanks of madame danglars which had been already conveyed to the count through the medium of a letter , signed " baronne danglars , nee hermine de servieux .
    阿尔贝是来替腾格拉尔夫人再表谢忱的,男爵夫人自己已写信向伯爵道了一次谢,信上的署名为“腾格拉尔男爵夫人,母亲家姓名:爱米娜萨尔维欧” 。
  • After the concert , master went backstage to express her gratitude to the performers and working staff and later at a tea party , she also reiterated how much she appreciated their efforts . a few days following the concert , she sent each of them a letter of appreciation for their outstanding performance and support on behalf of needy children . the fact that master even wrote a personal note in each letter underlines her exquisiteness , kindness , and thoughtfulness
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