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  • When you play touch - and - feel games with your child , you should pay attention to the safety and avoid him swallow anything
  • An italian product called legna ( the italian word for “ wood ” ) feels noticeably softer than 100 percent cotton
    有种叫做蕾雅(意大利文是木材的意思)的意大利产品的触感很明显比100 %纯棉柔软。
  • The keys feel fine and keyboard response is acceptable although i think its slightly slower than a normal pc keyboard
  • Moist and delicate texture of rose floral body cream , plus elegant and pleasant rose scent , brings you a fresh sunny holiday
  • Cultured and natural pearls will feel slightly rough , like fine sandpaper , because of the texture of natural nacre
  • Efficacy : it possesses mild and clear feeling and will exert its softening feature after being mixed with water and make you fragrant
  • Floral long pants : fitted with an elastic waistband , and made of rayon , which is ventilating , sweat - absorbent , light and soft to the touch
  • Equally as important as tone , touch , and value to the serious pianist and music aficionado is the crafting of the instrument
  • The quietly elegant color , the soft and comfortable surface and the pure and fresh smell give the viewers a sense of coming back to the nature
  • New fashin style elegance for women langsha is the bestfitting contour of your nice legs . feelits comfortable support power to follow your every move
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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