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  • The king ' s wrath is like the roaring of a lion , but his favor is like dew on the grass
    箴19 : 12王的忿怒、好像狮子吼叫他的恩典、却如草上的甘露。
  • And the rich in his being brought low , because like a flower of the grass he will pass away
  • But the rich , in that he is made low : because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away
  • Jas . 1 : 10 and the rich in his being brought low , because like a flower of the grass he will pass away
  • He curled down in the weeds and soon began to snore . his comrade stirred him once or twice and he became quiet
  • In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me , i leave my answers in tears upon the grass
    夜对太阳说道: “在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。 ” “我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。 ”
  • Like a spaniel , i trot proudly over to wagner , who is whipping a fine white net through the ironweed
  • Then he shot the arrow and fell back and would have died , but he lit on a nettle and sprang up too gaily for a corpse
  • Br > in the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me , < br > i leave my answers in tears upon the grass
    夜对太阳说道: “在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。 ” < br > “我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。 ”
  • Twenty nests of the swinhoes egret were found . the shallow , disk - shape nests were built on grassland or on shrubs . clutch sizes ranged from 2 - 4 eggs
    黄嘴白鹭营巢20个巢为浅盘状,筑在草上或灌木上窝卵数为2 - 4枚。
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