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  • We consider the telecommunications code and the communications bill . we examine amongst other things , the professions lack of awareness of the statutory rights conferred on certain operators
  • The wall is made from virtual bricks represented by each word submitted . bt has already donated 50 , 000 pounds to i can on completion of the first mile and is offering prizes to contributors for the second mile
    英国电信已为第一个英里“词语墙”的建造向i can慈善组织捐助了5万英镑,目前正向第二英里词语的提供者发放奖品。
  • Shenzhen - based huawei has also gained successes in western europe in recent years , announcing major sales and tie - ups with such major names as dutch carriers kpn telecom and britain ’ s bt and vodafone
  • When bt directory enquiries stopped giving telephone numbers for companies without first knowing the town / city ( which is usually unknown when searching for a new company ) the trem program became a invaluable tool
  • The century internet data center company , a domestic renowned service integrator , and bt ignite company , one of the three most powerful telecom operators in the world , signed recently in beijing a framework cooperation agreement
  • There are lots of successful cases about developing system integration service in foreign big telecom carrier , such as pccw , germany telecom , british telecom . from the view of client , data communication is a field with strong specialty
    国外大的电信运营商如电讯盈科( pccw ) 、德国电信、英国电信等在开展系统集成业务方面所取得的成就就是一个很好的例证。
  • The uk is a leading location within europe for telecommunications and related industries . numerous telecom industry leaders such as bt , orange , toshiba , vodafone , alcatel - lucent , motorola , nokia , siemens , etc . have established operations in the uk
  • In march 2007 and established a subsidiary , china netcom europe operations , enabling the leading telecoms company to better support collaborations with british telecom and cable wireless in the uk as well as develop new business contacts with other operators and suppliers
  • At the same time , the century internet will use bt s technology and solution to further improve its service functions . cooperation between the century internet and bt will aim at providing the best information system trusteeship and management service solution to institutions of international trans - national companies in china , domestic trans - national companies and large enterprises
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