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  • The old peasant said to me smilingly , " a good beginning makes a good ending .
    译文:那位老农笑呵呵地对我说: "欲善其终必先善其始" 。
  • An old farmers auspicious retreat - master s wonders - the supreme master ching hai enews magazine . 148
  • Now master dongguo no longer pities the wolf . he takes over the peasant ' s hoe and brings the final blow home
  • The old farmer replied , well , some of them said they weren ' t , but you know how them politicians lie
    老农民回答说: “呃. . .有些人说他们还活着,但是你知道政客们就喜欢撒谎。 ”
  • A glimpse into the daily farmwork of an old man before the large - scale development of tung chung , lantau approx
  • A glimpse into the daily farmwork of an old man before the large - scale development of tung chung , lantau ( approx
  • The sick boy s grandfather , a strong and inspiring old farmer , had always believed in healings that came through faith
  • A few days later , the local sheriff came out , saw the crashed bus , and then asked the old farmer , were they all dead
    几天后,当地县治安官来到这里,看见被撞坏的汽车,问这位老农民: “ ‘所有人’都死了? ”
  • Now i would have to get out of the car and make my way in the rain to the old farmhouse i had seen about a quarter mile back
    现在我不得不从车里出来,在雨中往回行进到离这里大约1 / 4英里处看到的老农舍去了。
  • An old peasant , whom prince andrey used to see in his childhood at the gate , was sitting on the green garden seat plaiting bast shoes
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